January 27, 2013

James Tissot, Jesus in the Synagogue, Brooklyn Museum, 1886-94
When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read [NRSV, Luke 4:16].

Third Sunday after Epiphany [Comments]

10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude: Canzona in D, BuxWV 168 [Foccroulle: musicMe], Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

Mass Setting: Service in FHerbert Sumsion (1899-1995)

Introit: O Lord, my God, to thee [text], Jacques Arcadelt (1507-68)

Motet: Ave verum corpus [text] [Choeur des marais: listen], Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)

Postlude: Praeludium in e, BuxWV 142 [Foccroulle: musicMe], Dietrich Buxtehude

4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers

(For live streaming via Radio Ville Marie, click here)

Prelude: Récit en taille from Livre d’orgue  [Rogg: BNQ; BM] (info), Lionel Rogg (b.1936)

Introit: In Manus tuas
[text/listen], John Sheppard  (1515-1558)

Preces and Responses:
[Westbury: YouTube] Richard Ayleward (1626-69)

119; Parts 5, 6 (Richards, Goss)

Canticles: Short Service, Richard Ayleward

In pace in idipsum [Stile Antico; text/YouTube], John Sheppard  
Dialogue sur les grands jeux from Livre d'orgue [Rogg: BNQ; BM]
(info), Lionel Rogg

January 20, 2013

 Giusto de'Menabuoi, Marriage at Cana, Baptistery, Padua, 1376-78

 Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him [NRSV, John 2:11].

Second Sunday after Epiphany [Comments]

10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude:  Ein’ feste Burg, BuxWV 184 [Koopman: YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude (1627-1707)

Mass Setting: Missa Vinum Bonum [Kammler: BNQ; BM] (info), Orlande de Lassus (1532-94)

Introit: Tribus miraculis [text], Claudio Merulo (1533-1604)

Motet: Venite Comedite [text] [Noone: BNQ; BM] (info), William Byrd (1540-1623)

Postlude: Praeludium in D, BuxWV 139 [Koopman: YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude

4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers

(For live streaming via Radio Ville Marie, click here)

Prelude: Praeludio "Sine nomine" from Six Pieces for Organ [Burchell: CML] (info), Herbert Howells (1892-1983)

Introit: Concord
from The Gloriana Dances [text] [Johnson: YouTube], Benjamin Britten (1913-76)

Preces and Responses: 
Patrick Wedd (b. 1948)                                                                                                                                                     
Psalm:  114 (tonus peregrinus); 115 (C.H. Lloyd)

Magnificat: First Great Service
[Smith: YouTube], Robert Parsons (1530-72)

Nunc dimittis: First Great Service [Smith: YouTube], Robert Parsons  

Anthem: Lux aurumque
[text/YouTube], Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)

Postlude: Paean
Six Pieces for Organ [YouTube], Herbert Howells

January 13, 2013

El Greco, Baptism of the Lord (detail) , Hospital Talvera, Toledo, early 17th cent.

And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased [NRSV, Luke 3:22b]."

The Baptism of the Lord [Comments]

10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude: Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam [YouTube], 
Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)

Mass Setting: Missa Iste confessor, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-94)

Introit: Dies sanctificatus [text] [Colino: YouTube],
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Motet: Tribus miraculis [text] [St. Gregory: listen],
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 

Postlude: Toccata in d (Dorian), BWV 538 [Kibbie: listen] Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers

(For live streaming via Radio Ville Marie, click here)

Prelude: Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordean kam, BuxVW 180 [Brindorf: YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) 

Introit: Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum, [text] [Musique ancienne: musicMe], Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-94) 

Preces and Responses: Plainsong

Psalm: 147 (tone 1.1)

Magnificat: Primi toni
[King's: musicMe], Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 

Nunc dimittis:  (tone 1.4)

Anthem: Tribus miraculis
[text] [St. Gregory: listen],

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BWV 684, 685 [Kibbie: 684;
685], Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

January 6, 2013

Follower of Jheronimus Bosch, Adoration of the Magi, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1475-80

A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the LORD. [NRSV, Isaiah 60:6]

Epiphany of the Lord [Comments]

10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude: How bright appears the morning star, James Woodman (b. 1957)

Mass Setting: Missa Brevis 4 “Of eternal love begotten, Healey Willan (1880-1968)

Introit: How bright appears the morning star [text] [Wiltener: YouTube], Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) 

Motet: The Three Kings [Winchester: text/YouTube], Peter Cornelius (1824-74)

Postlude: How bright appears the morning star [Jacob: musicMe], Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)

4:00 pm A Festival of Lessons and Carols For Epiphany
The Cathedral Singers
[Click here]

(For live streaming via Radio Ville Marie, click here)