Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, "I do choose. Be made clean!" (NRSV, Mark 1:41)."
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers
Mass Setting: Missa brevis for four voices in D [listen], Andrea Gabrieli (1545-1607)
Motet: O sacrum convivium [text], Giovanni Croce (1557-1609)
4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
The Cathedral Singers
Prelude: Benedictus, Alec Rowley (1892-1958)
Preces and Responses: Herbert Sumsion (1899-1995)
Psalm: 42, (Wedd)
Canticles: Charles Wood (1866-1926)