I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me. (NRSV, 2 Samuel 7:14a).
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers
Prelude: Chanty from Plymouth Suite [Bate: listen], Percy Whitlock (1903-46)
Introit: Esto mihi [text] [Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis: NML] (info), Tone 4
Mass Setting: Missa VIII de Angelis [Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis: YouTube], Plainsong 15th cent.
Motet: Tu es Deus [text] [Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis: NML] (info), Tone 3
Postlude: Toccata from Plymouth Suite [Bate: listen], Percy Whitlock
4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
The Cathedral Singers
Preces and Responses: Plainsong
Psalm: 137, (Tone 2.1)
Magnificat: Octavi Toni [Capella Sancti Michaelis: listen], Orlande de Lassus
Nunc Dimittis: Tone 3.1
Anthem: Super flumina Babylonis [text] [YouTube], Orlande de Lassus
Postlude: Fugue in b, Francis Jackson (b. 1917)