April 25, 2010

Sarcophagus, Jesus the Good Shepherd, Lateran Museum, Rome, late 4th cent.

My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. [NRSV, John 10:27].

Fourth Sunday of Easter [Comments]

10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude: Brother James' Air [Murray: listen], Searle Wright (1918-2004)

Introit: The Lord my shepherd is [text], Thomas Firth (18th cent.)

Mass Setting: English Mass, Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656)

Motet: My shepherd is the living Lord [Summerly: text/NML] (info), Thomas Tomkins

Postlude: Iste Confessor [Préfontaine: NML] (info), Jehan Titelouze (1563-1633)

4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude: Trio in E-flat, Six short preludes and postludes, Set 2, Op. 105, No 5, Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)


The Lord my shepherd is [text], Thomas Firth (18th cent.)

Preces and Responses: “
York Minster,” Philip Moore (b. 1943)

Psalm: 23 (Bairstow)

Service in C [St. John's: YouTube], Charles Villiers Stanford

Nunc dimittis: Service in C [Ausreisser: YouTube], Charles Villiers Stanford

The Lord is my shepherd [St. Paul's: text/listen], Charles Villiers Stanford

Allegro in d, Six short preludes and postludes, Set 2, Op. 105, No 6 [Murray: listen], Charles Villiers Stanford