Chrstian Dare: The Publican
But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even look up to heaven, but was beating his breast and saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' [NRSV, Luke 18:13]
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers
Prelude: Élévation: Cromorne en taille from La Messe du 8e ton pour l'orgue à l'usage des dames religieuses [Préfontaine: NML] (info) Gaspard Corrette (1671-1733)
Introit: Rejoice to God [text], Adam Gumpelzhaimer (1559-1625)
Mass Setting: Missa Brevis, Claudio Casciolini (1697-1760)
Motet: Ego sum panis vivus [text], Juan de Esquivel (1560-1625)
Postlude: Offertoire: Grand Dialogue à trois choeurs from La Messe du 8e ton pour l'orgue à l'usage des dames religieuses [Préfontaine: NML] (info) Gaspard Corrette
4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
Prelude: Benedictus [Little/Watson: YouTube], William Lloyd Webber (1914-82)
Introit: Blessed are the Pure in Heart [text] [Foster: NML] (info), Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941)
Preces and Responses: Responses, Harrison Oxley (1933-2009)
Psalm: 97 (Peasgood)
Canticles: Service in C, Charles Hylton Stewart (1849-1922)
Anthem: O gladsome light [text], Harrison Oxley
Postlude: Diversion for Mixtures [Jackson: 30-sec. clip], Francis Jackson (b. 1917)