July 28, 2013

Unknown French Master, Christ teaching the Lord's Prayer, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, c.1200

Jesus said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. [NRSV, Luke 11:2]."

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost [Comments] [Choir Notes]
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers

Prelude: Vater unser, BuxWV 219 [Guarino: YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
Setting: Missa a cuatro voces [midi-file], Juan Matías de Rivera (17th cent.)

Introit: Cantate Domino [SCL: text / YouTube], Giuseppe Pitoni (1657-1743)
Motet: Jesu dulcis memoria [text/listen], Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)

Postlude: Fuga [Stella: YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude

12h45 Eucharistie chantée
Le Quatuor des chanteurs de la cathédrale

Prélude :  Vater unser, BuxWV 219 [Guarino : YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)   

Ordinaire : Missa a cuatro voces [midi-file], Juan Matías de Rivera (XVIIe siècle)

Introït : Cantate Domino [SCL : texte/YouTube], Giuseppe Pitoni (1657-1743)

Motet : Jesu dulcis memoria [texte/écoutez], Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)

Postlude : Fuga [Stella : YouTube], Dietrich Buxtehude

4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
(For live streaming via Radio Ville Marie, click here)

Prelude: III. Improvisation (Élévation) from Suite médiévale [Potterton: YouTube], Jean Langlais (1907-1991)
Introit: Come, Holy Ghost the maker [text] [Pitts: BNQ; BM] (info), Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)

Preces and Responses: Plainsong

Psalm: 8 (Tone 8.1)
Magnificat: Tone 8.1 Fauxbourdons Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Nunc dimittis: Tone 5.1 Fauxbourdons, Thomas Morley 

Anthem: Almighty and everlasting God [text/listen], Orlando Gibbons

Postlude: Hymne d'action de grâces "Te Deum" [Bélanger: YouTube], Jean Langlais