August 15, 2015

Diego Velazquez, Virgin Mary, National Gallery, London, 1619

Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel [NRSV, Isaiah 7: 14b]

The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary / La Fête de la bienheureuse vierge Marie

[Click here to go to August 9.]

12h15 Eucharistie chantée
Le Quatuor des chanteurs de la cathédrale
Setting : Missa de Beata Virgine, Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628)

Introït : Virgin-born, we bow before thee [texte],Charles Waters (1895-1975)

Motet : Ave Regina Coelorum [texte] [Toudion : YouTube], Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628)
Postlude : Ave maris stella [Bardon: musicMe], Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703)

Patrick Wedd will perform at the 1980 Wilhelm organ a concert entitled Music for Mary on August 15, at 4:30 pm.  Click for details.