Luca Giordano, The Good Samaritan, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen, 1685
He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. [NRSV, Luke 10:34a].
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers
12h45 Eucharistie chantée
Le Quatuor des chanteurs de la cathédrale
4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
Preces and Responses: Plainsong
Psalm: 1,2 - Tones 1.1,5.1
Magnificat: Tone 3.1, fauxbourdons, Healey Willan
Nunc Dimittis: Tone 3.5, fauxbourdons, Healey Willan
Postlude: Fuga in C, BWV 545 [Kibbie : listen], Johann Sebastian Bach