Giotto di Bondone, Crucifix, Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini, 1310-17
There was also an inscription over him, "This is the King of the Jews [NRSV, Luke 23:38]."
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers
Prelude: Majesté du Christ from L’Ascension [Trotter: musicMe], Olivier Messiaen (1908-92)
Setting: Missa brevis, Kenneth Leighton (1929-88)
Introit: In nomine Jesu [text] [Varsmusica: YouTube], Jacob Handl (1550-91)
Motet: Pange Lingua [text/listen] Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
Postlude: Festival Fanfare [Kane: YouTube] Kenneth Leighton (1929-88)
12h45 Eucharistie chantée
Le Quatuor des chanteurs de la cathédrale
Prélude : Jesu meine Freude [Kibbie : écoutez], Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Ordinaire : Missa brevis, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-94)
Introït : Jesu, rex admirabilis [texte] [Gardiner : YouTube], Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Motet : Tu solus qui facis mirabilia [texte] [Hilliard : BNQ ; BM] (info), Josquin des Prés (1450-1521)
Postlude : Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn (Il est vivant), BWV 630 [Kibbie : écoutez], Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
(For live streaming via Radio Ville Marie, click here)
Prelude: Ode [Keene: listen], Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988)
Introit: In nomine Jesu [text] [Varsmusica: YouTube], Jacob Handl (1550-91)
Preces and Responses: Harrison Oxley (1933-2009)
Psalm: 145 (Cooper,Lawes)
Magnificat: Second Service [listen] Kenneth Leighton
Nunc dimittis: Second Service [listen], Kenneth Leighton
Anthem: Let all the world in every corner sing [text] [St. Paul's: YouTube], Kenneth Leighton
Postlude: Fanfare [Kane: YouTube] Kenneth Leighton (1929-88)