Anthony Van Dyck, Moses and the Brazen Serpent, Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1621
So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live [NRSV, Numbers 21:9].
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
The Cathedral Singers
Prelude: Vater unser im Himmelreich / Our Father in Heaven [van Beek: listen], Georg Böhm (1661-1733)
12h45 Eucharistie chantée
Le Quatuor des chanteurs de la cathédrale
Postlude : Erhalt uns, Herr, Georg Böhm
4:00 pm Evensong
The Cathedral Singers
Preces and Responses: Robert Jones (b. 1945)
Psalm: 130, George Garrett
Nunc dimittis: Tone 8.1, fauxbourdons, Simon Lindley
Postlude: Final from Sonata, Jean-Jacques Grunenwald